Adam Solomon's The Alphabet Book

Product Description
An excitingly fresh and fun way to see the alphabet, through the eyes of a bright 10 year old boy! 

• Good learning tool for children, and parents 
• Quality photography of abstract letters, real life images 
• Can be used as a nice coffee table book, and classroom book 

Adam's Alphabet Book is a collection of photographic images that will appeal to viewers of all ages. Adam's young creative eye has managed to "see" what most of us only look at. 

The Alphabet Book was born out of an after school photography class at Stephen S. Wise Elementary School in Los Angeles, California. Adam found an "R" in the school slide and a "C" in the floor tiles of the playground, just to name a few. 

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My Opinion:

This book is a creative way to learn the abc's. It's a hard bond book with beautiful pictures that symbolizes each letters in alphabet. It's like look around ..the worlds is full of letters . After going through this book I started looking for letters around me to which I was blind before exploring this book. I showed this book to my 4 year old he was excited to see the picture of letter in the environment around him . Even his daycare school teacher want to show to other kids as this book would definitely bring out the creative thoughts in their mind. Overall a beautiful book well designed with awesome photos.


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