Windows shortcut keys.

Normally the efficient way to work with computers is  by using the shortcut keys,which makes it easy to access the basic menus faster.Here are few windows shortcut keys  that enables you to access the basic options without using the mouse .

Alt + F
File menu options in current program.
Alt + E
Edit options in current program
Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
Ctrl + A
Select all text.
Ctrl + X
Cut selected item.
Shift + Del
Cut selected item.
Ctrl + C
Copy selected item.
Ctrl + Ins
Copy selected item
Ctrl + V
Shift + Ins
Goes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + Home
Goes to beginning of document.
Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl + End
Goes to end of document.
Shift + Home
Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + End
Highlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Left arrow
Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow
Moves one word to the right at a time.


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